Vince Russo's 10 Worst WWE Ideas

6. The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust

Vic Venom Wwe

Goldust was one of Vince McMahon's pet projects of the mid '90s. A purposefully provocative character that played on the homophobic attitudes of WWE's audience, the early heel run of Goldust managed to be Dustin Runnels' biggest stretches of success. However, backlash from the network and LGBT advocacy groups forced the company to tone down the homoerotic tendencies, and the character was turned face in early '97. When that proved to be a non-starter, and with WWE deciding to buck decency standards and embrace Attitude, Vince Russo decided he needed to help Goldust find a new edge.

After breaking up with his then-wife Terri Runnels, Dustin re-emerged with Luna Vachon as "The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust." The obvious reference to Prince's former stage name aside, this incarnation of Goldust was completely alien to anyone who was watching. Coming out in strange makeup and various S&M attire, as well as reciting nonsense promos where he would talk in a camp voice and read Dr. Seuss, TAFKAG was Russo's attempt to find anything provocative that would get people to boo Goldust again.

Unfortunately, because they went so bizarre and esoteric with his incarnation, people were only really invested in Luna and her shrill voice. Goldust eventually just became her lackey and the fourth wheel in their feud with Sable and Marc Mero.

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Vince Russo
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