WCPW Loaded Episode 8: 10 Awesome Moments

7. The Debut Of Los Perspectiva

Primate Joe Hendry
Oli Sandler / The Ringside Perspective

A decision taken by WCPW General Manager Adam Pacitti to indefinitely suspend Prospect didn't sit well with James R. Kennedy. The so-called 'Vocal Representative' gritted his teeth mid-ring as he spoke about Alex Gracie, Lucas Archer and Drake being banned from the building for Loaded. As if having an epiphany, Kennedy decided to introduce some new talent.

With that, everybody looked on in sheer disbelief as he announced that 'Lucha Archer' and 'El Drako' had been flown in directly from Mexico. Clearly, nobody was fooled, this was Lucas Archer and Drake in a not-so-cunning disguise. It'll be interesting to see what Pacitti does about this blatant disregard for his authority.

Known collectively as 'Los Perspectiva', Lucha and Drako went on to beat Prince Ameen and Gabriel Kidd. Of course, they couldn't do so without shenanigans, Kennedy interrupted the match to cut a deal with Ameen. Agreeing, the Prince ordered Kidd to lay down and suffer the humiliation of defeat.

Even though the youngster resisted, eventually he relented due to threats over his contract. Los Perspectiva are off to a flyer, for now...


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