What Does TNA Consistently Get Right?


This is not a factor that necessarily contributed to the success of Destination X, but leading into this weeks Impact Wrestling viewers have had the hook of a new stable appearing known as the Aces & Eights. In the past in can be viewed that TNA has had a pretty good track record in creating Stables, such as Paparazzi Productions, Team Canada, the Beautiful People, LAX, the Main Event Mafia to name a few. At one point it can be argued the company went a bit too far with stables during the Immortal vs Fortune storyline in 2010/2011, but comparatively they seem to have more had more success than not when putting groups of wrestlers together. And what of the other negatives? TNA hasn't garnered so many naysayers over the years without reason. The continued pushing of older stars is one thing that looks to have slowed down over the last month. With Sting written off TV, and the bigger known stars taking part alongside home grown talent in the Bound For Glory series, it seems that TNA is giving the opportunity to younger, newer stars such as Aries and Roode to take the spotlight on weekly TV and monthly events. After the reaction to the PPV, many will hope we don't see the return of the Nasty Boys et al to the company any time soon. TNA has also been guilty of plenty of storyline plot holes over the years, for example in 2010 when Samoa Joe was abducted with no follow up explanation. In a recent interview with AJ Styles on Busted Open Radio, he referenced this and the fact TNA has had issues with filling all the holes in stories previously. He talked about this whilst referring to his current storyline involving Dixie Carter and 'Claire', which gives the impression that TNA are being sure to try and follow through with their storylines in the future, and making sure that viewers care about outcomes in the long term. Time will tell if they can please the audience, particularly with the aforementioned AJ/Dixie/Claire angle that was widely criticised at the point of the initial 'reveal' in the story a few weeks ago. So what does TNA need to do to continue this seemingly upward trend and avoid previous pitfalls? In a previous article looking into how TNA can stand out after last months Slammiversary, I singled out the Samoa Joe vs Austin Aries match as a style the company can build upon in their match booking style. It certainly felt like they continued this at Destination X, with many of the matches simply being a one on one, physical contest. This particularly felt true of the Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle match, and even matches such as Kid Kash vs Mason Andrews had this highly competitive feel to them. If the company carries on bringing together all the things they have done right individually over the last 10 years, accompanied with this competitive style of match booking, the ratings, PPV buys and duration of worldwide Twitter trends could well increase to whole new numbers in the near future.
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A watcher of Professional Wrestling since 1989, in that time has filled up too much of his mind with knowledge of the subject. Tries to see Wrestling from the viewpoint of all types of fan, once refereed an event during his teenage years and got a grazed chin from a Superkick to the face. Follow his daily musings on Twitter - @lmheir