“What If” Scenarios That Would Have Transformed WWE History

8. The REAL WCW Stars Invade

Bret Hart Vince McMahon

Whatever way you slice it, WWE's Invasion storyline royally sucked.

And while the unwanted McMahon family drama and baffling 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin heel turns definitely didn't help, the key reason the entire thing fell flat had something to do with the specific WCW stars who ended up doing said invading.

Had Vince actually bothered to cough up the cash to buy out the massive Time Warner deals the likes of Sting, the nWo, and Goldberg were signed to at the time, these huge WCW stars wouldn't have spent the entire Invasion angle sitting at home earning dollar for doing nothing.

Instead, they would have helped make wrestling fans all over the world's dreams come true.

Rather than witnessing talented but nowhere near as popular ECWCW figures like Lance Storm, DDP, Booker T, and Rhyno frustratingly invade their long-time rivals' product, 'The Icon' going one-on-one with The Undertaker, the nWo colliding with stars like The Rock, Kurt Angle, and Kane, and 'Stone Cold' butting bald heads with 'Da Man' could have helped transform this infamous storyline into one of the greatest of all time.

The Invasion PPV still did crazy numbers, of course. But that doesn't make revisiting the disappointing period in WWE history any less painful.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...