What If... Tony Khan NEVER Launched AEW

Claudio Castagnoli Private Party

From the minute TK chucked out his first stick of Dynamite, it was clear this President and booker man wasn't a person obsessed with one specific style of wrasslin'.

He was a fan... of all of it.

Strong style, lucha, soap opera, comedy, sprint, epics, extreme. You name them, Khan found a way to squeeze them into his wrestling buffet. And it's that something for everyone approach which has evidently influenced their number one rival, too, with a post-McMahon WWE now seeming more open than ever to the different ways to skin this particular cat.

We actually currently live in a time where GUNTHER's savage masterpieces can go down on the same show R-Truth genuinely pops anyone under the age of 8 with his silly antics.

But we're also experiencing a version of this business that now doesn't feel so systemically cruel either, something that Tony Khan can again take a lot of credit for.

Brodie Lee AEW Dynamite Tribute

TK isn't a perfect President by any means, and isn't above going on a mad one on Twitter/X - something that would likely again be sadly missed if he never stepped into the industry - avoiding the hard questions, or booking various talents people would prefer not to see on their screens in 2024.

His handing of the tragic deaths of Brodie Lee and Jay Briscoe, Owen Hart's legacy, and Jon Moxley's decision to enter rehab, though, are just a few examples of Khan dealing with sensitive moments in a refreshingly respectful way, and the wrestling world is definitely a better place for that.

Obviously, the chances of the all-time classics that are Ospreay vs. Danielson, Young Bucks vs. Omega & Page, Punk vs. MJF, and Omega vs. Page becoming a thing in the first place are slim without Khan kicking off the AEW revolution, too.

But who's to say those stars, and others, wouldn't end up producing these magical moments in wrestling history elsewhere...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...