What If... Tony Khan NEVER Launched AEW

Tony Khan WWE

Tony Khan had wanted to get into the wrestling business his entire life.

So, even if this driven, ambitious lover of all things wrasslin' didn't end up seeing eye-to-eye with The Elite and various other folks who helped start up AEW, there's a good chance Khan would have continued looking for a way into the madness.

The Khans - a family with ridiculously deep pockets - were reportedly interested in purchasing WWE before Endeavour ultimately sealed the deal recently. And in this All Elite-free version of the wrestling universe, maybe a Tony without any AEW ties finds himself in control of the biggest promotion on the planet instead.

The McMahons being booted out of the business and replaced by TK and his pops would be an absolute game-changer, to say the least. WWE x NJPW x ROH x Impact Wrestling supershows and a far more authentic/real-sports feeling product would probably become the new norm for the company.

Or maybe Khan bites off more than he can chew and struggles to successfully drive this gigantic wrestling juggernaut, leading to an awkward phone call with 'Papa H'. "I've got two words for you, Hunter. Come back."

AEW All In 2023 CM Punk Samoa Joe

At the time when TK decided to commit to the idea of an exciting new promotion, the space and opportunity was certainly there to try something bold. So, even if Khan got cold feet in the end or the Khans turned their attention towards the Fed, who's to say someone else wouldn't have eventually seized this chance to make history and a boatload of money?

The stars did perfectly align to create something truly Elite back in 2018/19, though.

And while the "feeling" may not be quite as consistent as it was at the riveting start, AEW still stands as a remarkable achievement. One that has had a major part to play in the current wrestling boom many are currently taking for granted.

"Wrestling" was a dirty word throughout many a childhood.

Whereas it's now a place where the most famous people on earth take bumps for your entertainment.

A source of entertainment which boasts two companies capable of selling out stadiums.

A place where your intelligence isn't insulted anywhere near as often as it used to be, and actually quite complex and enthralling stories are told.

A hobby folks are once again proud to wear on their t-shirts as they walk down the streets.

Wrestling just isn't anywhere near as hot, unpredictable, or exciting without Khan's All Elite Wrestling pushing boundaries, breaking the rules, or challenging the big boys to do better.

So, long may the TK chaos continue...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...