What WWE Don’t Want You To See On TV
1. Anything That WWE Doesn't Want You To See
What's the biggest thing that WWE doesn't want you to see on TV? It reads almost like a rhetorical question, but the obvious answer is that Vince McMahon's company doesn't want you to see anything that it doesn't want you to see.
If a lower card guy or gal on Main Event gets a ginormous reaction when they're simply there just to be beaten in a matter of minutes, the company will do all it can to hide that reaction. Similarly, if a talent they're in the middle of pushing to the moon receives crickets from an arena crowd, that's something else that WWE will work its way around by hook or by crook.
Likewise, if there's anything in the live arena setting that WWE doesn't want the mass public to see, that stuff doesn't make it out loud 'n' proud to the company's television product. Should a crowd decide to boo someone like Hulk Hogan for their real-life acts? That's not good for WWE business, brother, so expect it to be worked around by the time of the final TV product.
No matter how much you break down the many facets of things that WWE doesn't want it mainstream watching audience to be privy to, the simplest way to break all of this down is that us, as WWE's TV audience, only see what Vinny Mac's sports entertainment juggernaut wants us all to see.