Which Wrestler Tried To Bring His 'Mailman' Gimmick To WWE?

He was sure that the concept would deliver...

Big E

On this week's edition of The Bump, current SmackDown Tag Team Champion Big E revealed that he wanted to bring a 'mailman' gimmick to FCW when he first signed for WWE.

After first appearing on the main roster as Big E Langston, the charismatic performer eventually aligned himself with Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. As The New Day the team have gone on to win a stunning eight Tag Team Championships and hold the record for the longest Tag Team title reign in WWE history (483 days).

Now, Big E has revealed that he initially wanted to perform under a 'mailman' persona when he first arrived in FCW.


He said:

“I got to FCW and they said ‘no, this is not a good idea’. But my name was gonna be Mel, last name, Mann. And I was going to come out with those short like old school Postal Service shorts that were tight. You know what I mean? I had my mail bag.”


Yes, the sight of Big E dressed as a 'mailman' going by the name of Mel Mann could have been undoubtedly hilarious, but the novelty of the gimmick would have probably worn off after a few weeks.

Thankfully, WWE turned down the idea and Big E finally found his calling as an outrageous member of the uber popular New Day squad.


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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...