Why Vince McMahon Cancelled This Quirky WWE Merchandise Idea

Ex-WWE boss Vince McMahon was disappointed he couldn't make a "fortune".

Xavier Woods John Morrison WWE SummerSlam 2021

Vince McMahon thought he was going to "make a fortune" by selling WWE-branded "drip sticks" last year.

Ex-WWE man John Morrison told NBC Sports Boston that his old boss fancied manufacturing plastic tubes that'd squirt water all over the place. Basically, in other words, McMahon fancied selling water guns/cannons and slapping a WWE logo on the things.

Vince didn't even know what a "drip stick" was until Morrison scripted that line in one of his promos. Seeing dollar signs, McMahon figured it'd be easy to sell such toys to kids, and he signed off on new merch for John and The Miz.


Then, disaster.

Someone backstage pointed out that the item could cause problems on live events - if fans around ringside were armed with water guns, then they'd surely soak everyone and everything during the first few matches. That, this unnamed spoilsport suggested, might end up being dangerous for the men and women working in-ring.


So, likely disappointed, McMahon decided to scrap the idea and move in a different direction. He was still happy for Miz and Morrison to spray water all over the place though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.