Why WWE's Bianca Belair Pretended She "Couldn't Do Things"

Strongest, toughest, fastest, nicest.

Bianca Belair Mercedes Martinez Royal Rumble 2020

NXT star Bianca Belair told Corey Graves on the announcer's 'After The Bell' podcast that she used to pretend she couldn't do things so others wouldn't feel bad.

At school, Bianca would play down her skills and intelligence so classmates and friends didn't think she was being arrogant. Behind closed doors, it was a different story. In private, she'd work her butt off and regularly perform 250 press-ups, sit-ups and other exercises first thing in the morning.

The women's Royal Rumble standout went on to tell Graves that the Belair character is her way of letting loose and allowing natural talents to shine. It's almost like Bianca got sick of holding back and wants to show the world what she's capable of doing.


Things were different in her youth.

Belair was worried that others might feel awful about themselves if they couldn't do some of the things she could (both athletically and in class). Today, she uses those experiences as fuel to better herself but continues working hard in her own time too.


That 'EST' nickname, relating to words like strongest, fastest and toughest, isn't a complete work. Now, after hearing this story, fans can add nicest to the mix.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.