Wild Sh*t Wrestling Did You’ve TOTALLY Forgotten About

9. Backlash 2020’s Dumpster Monster

Edge Paul Bearer Kidnap

What was that about the pandemic era being a trip? At Backlash 2020, The Street Profits worked The Viking Raiders in a brawl around the PC that included all four men hitting the streets outside for some more cartoonish violence. Then, a monster attacked both teams as they lay prone in a dumpster, and...wait, what?!

Yes, yes this happened, and barely anyone talks about it.

WWE themselves treat most of the cinematic-style moments from this period as outlandish quirks that happened in some pro wrestling multiverse. In other words, a dumpster monster didn't literally eat The Profits or The Raiders alive - this was only booked and filmed for a laugh. That's OK then. Still weird though.

This has never been brought up again. Creative didn't try to run with the idea that a people-gobbling monster was stalking the back alleyways of their own training facility in 2020, which is just as well. It wouldn't have been out of character for Vinnie Mac to make this Braun Strowman's next gimmick, or something.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.