Wrestler Admits WWE Exile Was "Self-Induced"

This famous wrestler caused his own exile from WWE, but he's at peace with it now.

scott steiner

Scott Steiner has admitted that his exile from WWE for almost 20 years was "self-induced" and almost exclusively happened because of negative comments he'd made about company power players after leaving in 2004.

The legend, who was inducted into WWE's Hall Of Fame alongside his brother Rick back in 2022, told the 'Two Man Power Trip Of Wrestling' show that The Steiner Bros would've been honoured long before then had he been able to keep his mouth shut.


Looking back, Scott regrets most of his second WWE stint between 2002-2004. He "wasn't mobile", and was left "p*ssed off" about the whole experience. Afterwards, Steiner took aim at everyone from Triple H to Vince and Stephanie McMahon in shoot interviews. Nobody was safe!

Now, he can see that holding onto negativity like that wasn't healthy. He's happy to see Bron Breakker doing so well in the promotion now, and is thankful Bron was there to help induct The Steiners into WWE's HOF. That meant the world to Scott, but it seemed certain at one point his rants would cause the iconic tag-team to miss out for good.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.