The Undertaker's 10 Most Embarrassing Moments

2. Raw Is Jericho The Undertaker has often led through actions and not words. For many years Taker would defer to Paul Bearer to be the mouthpiece of the duo and only interjecting for emphasis. As Undertaker began to morph into the Lord of Darkness and throughout his American Bad Ass and Big Evil phases he began to get downright chatty. And that wasn't always for the best. Case in point during a Monday Night Raw segment featuring Taker's protege at the time, Big Show and the recently debuted Chris Jericho. Undertaker declared his and Big Show's intention to become tag team champions and began to weave a tale most unusual. He started talking about making the Big Show drive a motorcycle into the desert with not enough gas to get home and then something about wearing human skin as a coat. It certainly wasn't his best work and to make things even worse Chris Jericho interrupted the Dead Man and began to verbally eviscerate the pair calling them, among other things, boring and morons. The crowd actually seemed relieved that Jericho had saved them and to make matters worse Undertaker's rebuttal fell flat. The segment was so embarrassing for Taker he reportedly was hot at Jericho for some time after. It is just not a good idea to show up and tear down one of the most respected Superstars of all time. Even if he is talking about "snake neckties and lizard boots."

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