WWE: 10 Best European Champions In History

7. Triple H

Stats: 2x champion (160-day combined reign) Going back to a time when secondary titles weren€™t beneath a wrestler as great as Triple H, he €œwon€ the European Championship on a December 1997 edition of Raw when his D-Generation X teammate Shawn Michaels was "forced" into defending the Euro strap against Helmsley by Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter. Michaels intentionally laid down for his buddy, officially making the moment Triple H€™s very first taste of solo gold in the WWE. Triple H€™s reign as European Championship was used to fan the flames of what was left of the DX/Hart Foundation feud. With Bret Hart defecting to WCW, Triple H faced off with Owen Hart on multiple occasions for the title. In one bizarre instance, Triple H lost the championship to Owen without being involved in the match when on an January 26, episode of Raw, Goldust dressed up as Hunter and was pinned by Owen. Commissioner Slaughter ruled that Goldust was a viable stand-in for Triple H and the victory stood for Owen. Triple H defeated Owen two months later on a March 17 episode of Raw, kicking off a 120-day reign with the belt.

Mark is a professional writer living in Brooklyn and is the founder of the Chasing Amazing Blog, which documents his quest to collect every issue of Amazing Spider-Man, and the Superior Spider-Talk podcast. He also pens the "Gimmick or Good?" column at Comics Should Be Good blog.