WWE: 10 Best Facts About Daniel Bryan's Success Story

6. He's The Antithesis

Since the days when Hulkamania first began running wild on us, brother, the WWE has always been a big man's territory. If you look back at the men who've been at the top of the card for the company, with the exception of a few obvious exceptions, they're all all incredibly intimidating figures. Hogan, Andre, Warrior, Undertaker, Diesel, Lesnar, Show, Yokozuna, Kane, etc. are all giant men, and even Austin and Rock, two of the three biggest names in history are formidable in their own right. Vince McMahon's fetish for musclebound genetic freaks is well-documented. Daniel Bryan is the exact opposite of everything we've been trained to accept. Next to maybe Santino or Heath Slater, he's probably the least phyically imposing guy on the entire roster. Despite the fact that he trains MMA extensively and is a legit bad dude, he isn't going to cause anyone to cross to the other side of the street to avoid him. In a world populated by cartoon characters, where basically the perfect physical human specimen in John Cena has been the man for a long time, it's a refreshing change to have someone who looks like Bryan wear the gold.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.