WWE: 10 Best Raw Matches Of All Time

6. No DQ Falls Count Anywhere: Triple H vs Cactus Jack (September 22nd, 1997)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLCljKVpz5M Whilst Triple H himself might argue that he danced his best dance inside the ring with his longtime friend Shawn Michaels, in reality no-one played the game as well as Mick Foley. With his rough, hardfelt bumps, Foley always acted as the perfect punching bag for Hunter's aggression and Trips's dramatic selling was perfectly in sync with Mick's hard brawling style. This Raw match-up from 1997, witnessed Foley's hardcore loving persona Cactus Jack immediately introduce Triple H's head to a garbage can and the carnage only continued from there as the two rivals fought inside the ring, outside the ring, into the crowd and backstage. Standout spots throughout the bout included Foley's over the rope double tumble clothesline which he followed up with his signature bang bang finger gesture, Foley reappearing from the curtain to spray Hunter with an extinguisher before firing him into a collapsing barricade, and Trips accidentally throwing Foley into a persistently interfering Chyna, upon which they both tumbled together into the steel steps. The best was saved till last however as Triple H laid out a table near the ramp, only to for Foley to capitalise by sending his opponent crashing through the structure by way of a thunderous piledriver. With fun spots, great chemistry and realistic selling this one stood out as s truly superb tv hardcore match.
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"Growing up, Laurent was such an ardent fan of wrestling superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin that he actually attempted to send the Texas Rattlesnake a letter demanding that he defeat arch-nemesis The Rock at Wrestlemania 15. Oh hell yeah, it was all still very real to him back then dammit. As an aspiring writer of multiple genres and platforms, he has also recently co-authored a non-fiction movie e-book entitled 'Egos, Cliches, Flops and Lost Films: Examining the powerful madness of the movies' which is written in a similarly light hearted and informative style to his wrestling articles and which can be browsed and purchased by following the link below - http://www.amazon.com/Egos-Cliches-Flops-Films-ebook/dp/B0088YNTBC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1339093928&sr=8-1"