WWE: 10 Best Stone Cold Steve Austin Stunners

1. Shawn Michaels

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WenLPbiK0B0 How could this not be #1? Wrestlemania 14 was the beginning of the Stone Cold Era in WWE. Shawn Michaels was fighting through a horrible back injury and Austin was skyrocketing to the top of the card. With this Stunner, Stone Cold Steve Austin was finally WWE Champion. As a result of this match the Austin/McMahon feud began and the WWE began to win the Monday Night War over WCW. That's my list. I know there will be many opinions on the thousands of Stunners Austin gave throughout his career. What's your favorite? Let me know in the comment section.

Jarrod Atkinson has spent his entire life watching too much TV and reading too many comic books. He lives in Norman, Oklahoma and can be heard yelling at the TV during MMA and wrestling PPVs.