It seems kind of crazy that Ultimate Warrior had never been inducted into WWEs Hall of Fame before now. He certainly meets all the stringent criteria for induction (used to work for the company, hasnt killed anyone, not named Randy Savage), and lets face it, for a certain percentage of the audience he was The Guy. Yeah, Hulk Hogan was the big draw for years, but Warrior was the crazed self-parody prototype of everything a pro wrestler in the 80s could be. He had the exaggerated muscles, big hair, and coked-out promos that everyone associates with our so-called sport from the time. More importantly, he had a lot of things that current fans are unable to get from wrestling today. His promos might have been nonsensical, but they were certainly passionate and didnt come across as phony. This man BELIEVED that he was speaking with the gods on top of the mountain or whatever. Speaking as a fan who started following on a regular basis around 1986, Warrior was the first wrestler who I was able to watch develop from the start and get a monster push up the card without ever feeling like it was going to get ripped away from me. I term I use for it is The rocket push, as in someone having a proverbial rocket strapped to their back, and its a powerful feeling as a fan to know youre on the winning team. So here then is a list of what I consider to be his 10 best moments. Not necessarily best matches, because that would be a much shorter list, but just the times he seemed to fulfil the potential he held at the beginning of his run. Before he went completely nuts.
Scott Keith is a wrestling blogger and general smart-ass, residing at, aka Scott's Blog of Doom! Scott began slacking off in Computing Science classes in university, and discovered the wonderful world of writing online in 1993, and has never looked back since then.
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