WWE: 10 Biggest Shocks We Might See At Elimination Chamber 2014

9. Titus O'Neil Will Injure Darren Young

Right now, Titus O'Neil is being made to look like the raging beast that he is. From a completely physical standpoint, O'Neil is bigger and stronger than his former tag partner, Darren Young. O'Neil has also taken the more aggressive stance, turning on Young and blaming him for their losses. But he's doing it wisely, by acknowledging Young's skills and making him a worthy foe. It doesn't make sense for Young to win this match, their first true battle in what one hopes will be a war. In order to determine whether Young and O'Neil can thrive as singles wrestlers, they need to be given a decent platform upon which to ply their craft. And who better to prove yourself against than your former partner, whom you know so well? The story ends Sunday if Darren Young is victorious. If they're smart, they'll give O'Neil this win, but they'll put some stink on it to make it interesting. If Titus goes into full beast mode, and makes it look like he's injured Young, it gives Young a more compelling reason to make a comeback. Given O'Neil's tendency to be sloppy in the ring, let's hope the predicted injury is a scripted one.

Follow me @kickyhick :) I hold a degree in English Rhetoric & Professional Writing from the University of Waterloo in Canada. I've done technical writing, executive presentations, and recruiting materials for BlackBerry, and I write for non-profit organizations. My favourite project so far has been combining my passion for writing with being a die-hard wrestling fan. It's a pleasure to write here for WhatCulture, and also for TJRwrestling.com.