WWE: 10 Biggest Shocks We Might See At Elimination Chamber 2014

4. Christian Will Finish His Career As A Heel

Christian This is Christian's last run, a semi-bold prediction based on how injury-prone he's become, how decrepit he looks in the ring, and the recent birth of his first child. Let's hope that he doesn't get injured again before he can have a proper farewell €“ he doesn't strike me as a lifer, holding on until his late 40's or beyond. But this is far from a funeral dirge, for Christian's got "one more match" this Sunday, in the Chamber no less. A great start to his most recent comeback, on the heels of an aggressive showing on Raw. His beatdown of Daniel Bryan was indicative of a newly-minted but well-seasoned heel. THIS is where Christian should be, harkening to his bad guy roots and favoring ferocity over finesse. He looked solid when he was attacking Bryan, and I hope to see a definitive heel version of Christian on Sunday. Once he's established as a baddie, he can move on to elevate some new talent before he turns off the lights on the Peep Show for good.

Follow me @kickyhick :) I hold a degree in English Rhetoric & Professional Writing from the University of Waterloo in Canada. I've done technical writing, executive presentations, and recruiting materials for BlackBerry, and I write for non-profit organizations. My favourite project so far has been combining my passion for writing with being a die-hard wrestling fan. It's a pleasure to write here for WhatCulture, and also for TJRwrestling.com.