10 Most Bizarre WWE Gimmicks

7. "That Was A Poem By Heidenreich"

Heidenreich had two distinct gimmicks, both of which were significantly bizarre. Yet perhaps it was his latter gimmick of a psychopath with an insatiable appetite for destruction and hateful poetry that was his most bizarre gimmick. At nearly seven foot tall and three hundred and five pounds in weight, Heidenreich cast an imposing figure that contributed to his bizarre gimmick with physical dominance in the ring. Often complaining of feeling misunderstood by the wider world, Heidenreich was a mentally unstable powder keg of anger that would often explode and cause him to routinely attack WWE fans. A particularly memorable Heidenreich scene featured the announcer Michael Cole. In what many have since named the WWEs version of 'Pulp Fiction' Heidenreich would attack Cole and lock him in an undisclosed arena restroom. As he pinned Cole against the restroom door with his body, Heidenreich would explain how he and Cole were likeminded and that they both shared each other's desires. He would then proceed to read Cole a poem whilst aggressively thrusting and pinning Cole against the door with his body. The disturbing ordeal ends with Heidenreich unlocking the restroom door and allowing him to leave after declaring that what Cole had just experienced was, "A poem by Heidenreich!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEK80zqUXWQ Clearly the Heidenreich gimmick was not only bizarre but controversial too. For the Michael Cole segment alone, the Heidenreich character more than qualifies for a place on this list of bizarre WWE gimmicks!

Martin Rowe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.