WWE: 10 Most Boring Wrestlers Ever

2. The Big Show

I'm sure once upon a time Big Show was probably kind of a big deal and actually seemed intimidating, but nowadays he's just a big stale giant who constantly switches between being a heel or face for no apparent reason whatsoever and with no payoff whatsoever. I can't remember the last time I cared about a Big Show storyline and it legitimately seems as if WWE has squandered Show over the years. Remember just a few months ago when Big Show actually cried in the ring as a result of Triple H bullying him? Would a normal seven foot tall professional wrestler cry in the ring, or go over and punch said individual? It's truly ludicrous stuff and that was the final nail in the coffin for me and The Big Show. Again, Big Show's boringness is nothing to do with the man behind the character. He's one of the more agile big men in history in the WWE and was always decent in the ring, but WWE has crapped all over his character so much and given him so little direction that it's impossible to know at this point how we're meant to react to Big Show. By now Show should be a legendary superstar like the Undertaker, but WWE, despite giving him the world title and practically every other title too, has squandered the potential of this soggy crybaby giant.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.