WWE: 10 Most Embarrassing Wrestler Mugshots

7. Wade Barrett

Barrett As a WWE fan, it's hard to understand what they are doing with Wade Barrett. He's gone through a number of re-brands since his introduction on NXT and the leader of the Nexus shortly after that. Barrett was billed as the next big thing when he was first brought up and now he's just a silly gimmick that delivers "bad news" to the audience, fittingly known as "Bad News Barrett". Other than a fancy Twitter hash tag, he's contributed nothing and is a running joke. There's no doubt that Barrett should be the first WWE Champion from Great Britain. This mugshot was taken of Barrett back in 2008 when he was a part of the WWE developmental FCW program. Barrett got into an altercation at a bar when a woman apparently bumped into him, they had a few words when a police officer in plain clothing then got involved. Barrett was brought up on charges of battery and obstructing a police officer. Perhaps this is where his bare-knuckle brawling back story comes from: a run in with the law. Maybe instead of Bad News Barrett, the WWE should try re-branding him once more as Bad News Battery. Mugshot Rating: 6/10

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw