WWE: 10 Most Embarrassing Wrestler Mugshots

5. Jack Swagger

Swagger If there's one wrestler that I feel needs to fade off into oblivion it's Jack Swagger. I personally can't stand him and have not been a fan of the pushes he's gotten since being introduced on the WWE-branded ECW program. He had some great feuds with Christian when he was first brought up to the main roster but his world championship runs are all but forgettable. That being said, his current gimmick with the Real Americans has been entertaining and his eventual building feud with Cesaro at Wrestlemania XXX will be a great match. However, at the end of the day the Real Americans will be broken up and Cesaro will get the push. In 2013 Swagger was pulled over for speeding, arrested and charged with a non-alcoholic DUI and possession of marijuana. Although Swagger was not punished exclusively by WWE officials, his push as a top performer has evidently been stalled as he has been a constant mid-card level wrestler since the occurrence. Mugshot Rating: 7/10

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw