WWE: 10 Forgotten Superstars That Should Have Won Gold

7. Dusty Rhodes

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA5F5YwG02U One of the most popular and successful wrestlers ever, The American Dream never won the big belt in WWE despite being incredibly over and drawing a huge audience to his matches. His legendary promo skills were undiminished by the ridiculous polka dot attire he was forced to wear and his feuds with Randy Savage and Ted Debiase were incredibly compelling. His tenure within the company was relatively short (1989-1991) but he spent his time well, electrifying audiences coast to coast with his unique ring style and larger than life persona. Arguably one of the greatest workers of his generation it is shame we never got to see him have a run as WWE champion or even remain in the company just a few months later so he could renew his legendary feud with the incoming Ric Flair.
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Broken down ex wrestler that always worked the leg.