WWE: 10 Great Wrestlers Held Back By Terrible Gimmicks

9. Max Moon

During his spell with the WWE, the man later dubbed as €˜the Mexican Hulk Hogan€™ was reduced to playing a character sent back in time from outer space. Max Moon would come down the ramp wearing a futuristic, fluorescent blue, cyborg outfit whilst shooting fireworks out of his arm. It was the 90€™s; he probably just looked like he was lost on the way to a rave. However, it becomes harder to feel sympathetic towards Carlos Moises, when made aware that he actually pitched the idea of this awful gimmick himself; the WWE quickly agreed that fireworks were a thing of the future and Max Moon was born. Moises soon bolted on the company and rookie Paul Diamond was left to pick up the pieces of this dreadful gimmick. Carols Moises€™ talent was later to be established on WCW as Konnan, where he had a successful five year run. Unfortunately, the wrestler€™s performances started to decline and got sloppy once he cemented his position in the company. That said, whilst his consistency was questionable his ability was not.
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A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.