WWE: 10 Greatest Superstar Ribs Of All Time

1. A Very Crappy Sandwich

mark henry Mark Henry went through a period where he was quite surly and unpleasant to be around as far as the WWE locker room was concerned. Mark had broken his leg and was on crutches at the time and was very unhappy about this and complaining very loudly about his situation to anyone who would listen. The problem of course with this is that wrestlers are about the least sympathetic people on the planet and responded to Marks emotional fragility by waiting for him to go to the bathroom and then stealing and hiding his crutches. Despite this happening several times Mark didn't catch on to just take his crutches to the bathroom with him and instead decided to threaten the entire locker room with bodily harm if anyone messed with his crutches. Mistake number 2..never threaten a locker room full of wrestlers, it will not end well. Sure enough, when Mark Henry left the room, an unnamed person believed to be X-Pac Sean Waltman took the foot long sandwich Mark Henry was planning to have for his lunch and defected in the middle of it with the joke being that Mark would unwrap his sandwich, immediately see what had happened and be mad about it. What nobody foresaw happening was that Mark would unwrap his sandwich and start eating it without noticing what had been added which is of course exactly what happened. Reports differ as to how much of the sandwich he ate before he realised but suffice to say he ended up vomiting it all back up in the bathroom shortly after. When he returned from the bathroom his crutches had predictably been stolen again. Just as he was about to go thermo nuclear Owen Hart told him Vince McMahon needed to see him on the other side of the arena immediately. This meant poor Mark had to limp his way across the arena only to find Vince wasn't there and indeed hadn't been at the arena all day. This must represent the single worst day in Mark Henrys career and that covers quite a bit of ground.
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Broken down ex wrestler that always worked the leg.