WWE: 10 Greatest Tag Teams Of All Time

1. The Rockers (1988-1991)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yzEfv48Et0 The only team on the list that were never champions ironically were the team that did more for tag team wrestling that any other and the team that tops the list of the greatest teams of all time. After being hired, fired and rehired again in a short space of time Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels set about reinventing the art form and building on the fast paced double team offence of the Rock'n'roll Express (of NWA fame) to create something that had never been seen before. Every match they had was worth watching and they tried their utmost to develop something new every time they went out before an audience. This included a series of 60 minute matches with Rougeau Brothers, a magical series with Brain Busters and a stand out feud with the Orient Express as well as incredible contests with all the top tandems of the day including the mechanically perfect Hart Foundation who were the perfect opponents for the fast break high flyers. Their influence on tag team wrestling can still be felt today when looking at teams such as the Hardys, Edge and Christian, London and Kendrick and so many more who took what The Rockers did and put their own stamp on it to keep the tradition of constant evolution and development alive. A tradition The Rockers started and has been the catalyst for the scores of great tag teams who have followed the path Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty created when they blazed a trail for all others to follow. Obviously all such lists are subjective and many great teams had to left out, those that nearly made the cut include The Brain Busters, The Rougeau Brothers, The New Age Outlaws, British Bulldog and Owen Hart, Miz and Morrison and The Spirit Squad (maybe not that last one)
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Broken down ex wrestler that always worked the leg.