WWE: 10 Greatest Tag Teams Of All Time

8. The Hardy Boys (1999 - 2007)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwNLpZSMJCA Jeff and Matt Hardy alongside Edge and Christian and The Dudleys were the focal points of the tag team renaissance that occurred in the WWE in the early 00's. Solid and dependable technician Matt and human powerball Jeff were a unique duo that earned their spot after being beaten half to death as enhancement talent for Razor Ramon and other stars of the late 90's. The willingness of this duo to sacrifice their bodies to achieve notoriety and success became their calling card with Jeff in particular being prone to take suicidal risks in order to make their matches the most memorable on the card. They came to prominence as a result of a feud with the APA tag team of Faarooq and Bradshaw who beat them senseless on many occasions with Jeff once again taking some horrifying bumps for his team. Following this feud they began a stunning program with fellow upstarts Edge and Christian which culminated in an electrifying tag team ladder match that set new standards for innovation in tag team wrestling and set both teams on course for superstar status. The Hardys followed this up with an incredible tables match against newcomers The Dudley Boys before all three teams collaborated on the first of three pay per view triangle ladder matches against each other at Wrestlemania 16, stealing the show and bringing about a renewed interest in the tag team division.
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Broken down ex wrestler that always worked the leg.