WWE: 10 Greats Who Never Won The Royal Rumble

5. Mick Foley

Mick Foley was not necessarily destined for greatness. He didn't have the physique of Rick Rude. He didn't have the instant charisma of Hulk Hogan. He didn't have the technical skills of Bret Hart. Yet he achieved it with his sheer willingness to put on the greatest show he could, even if that meant putting his body through unbelievable levels of punishment. Mick's journey was long and winding. His time in WCW and ECW garnered him a hardcore following who appreciated his unique style and the incredible intensity he bought to his matches. It wasn't until his run in WWE that Mick became a wrestling mega-star and cemented himself as a legend in the eyes of most fans. Foley has appeared in 5 Royal Rumbles and never seemed to be a genuine threat to winning the whole event. His most famous Rumble moment probably came in 1998 when he came to the ring as each of his three personas (Cactus Jack, Mankind and lastly Dude Love). It was in this Rumble that Foley managed to survive to the final four of the Rumble, and was the closest he ever came to winning the event. His post-2000 appearances were sporadic and never seemed to suggest that he was going to main event Wrestlemania, his most recent entry in 2012 was an almost entirely comic affair with Santino. Foley didn't compete in the 1999 or 2000 Rumble matches; he was competing for the WWE Championship each time, which is a shame as he could have won the Rumble in either of these years and been an incredibly popular winner. Which Royal Rumble could they have won? 1999. It would have been a bizarre workaround, but could have saved us seeing Vince McMahon winning the Rumble. I know Foley wasn't in the 1999 Rumble, anyone who saw his "I Quit" match with the Rock will know that he was in no position to compete afterwards. Rock and Foley traded the titles repeatedly around this period, so having Foley win the Rumble and take on the Rock at Wrestlemania would have been a great end to Foley's title chase.
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Royal Rumble
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A 27 year old man who should know better. An actual RE teacher. Living in the North of the United Kingdom with his partner and two rabbits. The rabbits are called Jasper and Isabella, and they are the inspiration for most of his work, as well as eating USB cables.