WWE: 10 Heaviest Ever Wrestlers (And What They Actually Weighed)

1. Happy Humphrey €“ 800lbs

http://youtu.be/Op31eg2rfds?t=1m17s Undoubtedly the biggest big man was Happy Humphrey. Often billed at 700lbs, Humphrey regularly came in at 800lbs, and according to Harley Race€™s autobiography even topped 1,000lbs at one point. Given the level of variation, I€™d say it€™s fair to conclude that Humphrey€™s weight fell somewhere in the middle around the 800lbs mark. His most famous match came at Madison Square Garden, where a certain Vince McMahon Sr. booked him against the previously covered, well-connected Haystacks Calhoun. But there€™s more to Humphrey€™s story than super-heavyweight wrestling matches. In 1962, a heart condition forced him into early retirement. He was admitted to a weight loss clinic where he shed an astonishing 630lbs, bringing his weight down to a modest 230. Unfortunately, he put the weight back on, and was allegedly back up to 600lbs at the time of his death in 1989. Perhaps more unfortunate still though is the lack of recognition that Humphrey has received. When people think of big men, the likes of André and Big Show are often at the top of most peoples€™ lists. But at over 800lbs, Happy Humphrey truly was the heaviest wrestler of all time. An incredible gimmick, and an even more incredible person given his tremendous weight loss.
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