WWE: 10 Heaviest Ever Wrestlers (And What They Actually Weighed)

4. Haystacks Calhoun €“ 625lbs

Haystacks Calhoun Meanwhile, as Man Mountain Mike was making waves across the country, so was another equally large, similarly gimmicked star. His name was Haystacks Calhoun, and though often billed at 640lbs it appears he was actually slightly less than that. Calhoun actually teamed with Mike at one stage, adding his 625lbs to the equation to form a monster partnership of well over 1,200lbs, before the two split and faced off against one another. Calhoun rarely won singles gold throughout his career, as his size alone gave him ample drawing power. It€™s also worth noting that he consistently featured at Madison Square Garden, attracting plenty of fans to the WWE during it most embryonic of years. Throughout his career he faced a number of other big men €“ one of whom is yet to feature in this list yet €“ so we€™ll save that for a little later. Again, like Man Mountain Mike, there€™s not much evidence to suggest that Calhoun was not as large as announcers billed him. And as large as he is, his legacy is arguably even greater. He paved the way for future super-heavyweights, one of whom stands out in particular...
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