10 Hopes For Brock Lesnar Now WWE Has Got Behind Him

1. Brock Will Be The New Wrestlemania Attraction

Who will be the one to beat Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania after he conquered The Streak? That question alone will sell tickets and WWE Network subscriptions. He is now the final boss, the end of the video game. The Shao Khan of WWE. He currently exists outside of the title scene on his own planet. A planet that doesn€™t welcome visitors. Visitors will be maimed for trying to compete. If Undertaker never laces up his boots again, Brock Lesnar will become the new Wrestlemania benchmark. Lesnar has lost twice at Wrestlemania, but we€™ve seen WWE gloss over ancient history in the past. Remember when Randy Orton was the first ever Undisputed Champion? How about at Wrestlemania 27 when it felt like Triple H and The Undertaker never met ten years prior? At this point we should expect WWE to retroactively credit all Taker€™s prior wins to Lesnar. While Brock winning a title and going into Wrestlemania as the champion would be a solid story, it€™s putting two big spots in one match. The title can be reserved for the main event, while some up and comer like Roman Reigns or Cesaro takes his shot at Lesnar. Or who knows, maybe a certain Deadman will rise again for his final battle? These are 10 hopes moving forward for Brock Lesnar, what are you itching to see him do next?

Rich Latta II is a lifelong wrestling fan. He also writes for PWMania.com & SocialSuplex.Com....find all his links at RichLattaWrestling.com Reddit name RichLatta32 He thinks of wrestling as the 3rd Major Sport, Follow him on twitter @RichLatta32 He Runs a Podcast called @OneNationRadio (follow that too) with his buddy James Boyd, that covers WWE, Music, Sports, and Pop Culture. http://onenationradio.podbean.com/ Or Type One Nation Radio into the Podbean App Comment the articles & Tweet Him Now!! Rich also is an aspiring hip hop artist and proud member of the #WrassleRap Community & Music Producer