WWE: 10 Hottest Free Agents In Wrestling Today

4. Jay/Mark Briscoe

briscoes The Briscoes are probably the top tag team in the industry today. They are talented in the ring, are undeniably charismatic and give some awesome interviews and video segments. They have been with ROH, on and off, since 2002, and yet are still only 29 (Mark) and 30 (Jay). WWE has been interested in them for a long time, and just when everyone thought it was finally going to happen, in the middle of 2013, Jay tweeted a controversial remark about same-sex marriage. Has the WWE ship sailed? I'm not sure. There is still a chance that they could sign, but it will be a close call. Would TNA talk a risk on them? Again, it's on the toss of a coin. Anyone who has seen the videos of them on the farm will attest that they are gold in front of the camera. If they signed with WWE or TNA and were allowed to remain true to their own characters, the sky could be the limit for them.
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I am a teacher, but also write about all things wrestling. I have been writing/interviewing wrestling personalities for over 7 years for both the Wrestling Observer site, as well as The History Of WWE site.