1. WCW - The Dirtiest Ref In The Game
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj6QoYTSPhQ When DDP was in the ring calling out Curt Hennig on an edition of WCW Nitro in 1997, two fans attempted to jump inside of the ring. The first is taken down and pulled out of the ring by an announcer, however the second felt the full wrath of the referee in the ring. After shoving the fan to the floor, the ref picks him up and begins to apply an eye gouge to him that Ric Flair himself would have been proud of. Security come to remove the man shortly after, his embarrassment surely at a high level after becoming a victim of dirty tactics by the official.
Lee Heir
A watcher of Professional Wrestling since 1989, in that time has filled up too much of his mind with knowledge of the subject.
Tries to see Wrestling from the viewpoint of all types of fan, once refereed an event during his teenage years and got a grazed chin from a Superkick to the face.
Follow his daily musings on Twitter - @lmheir
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