8. WCW - MMA Trained Referee
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX3hnt3rFdY This fan got potentially more than he bargained for when he tried to enter the ring during a WCW contest between Dean Malenko and Psicosis. Many would have thought it would be the man of 1000 Holds that may be the one to lock a submission on the fan, but in fact, it was the referee. After a swift takedown, the ref is quick to lock in a devastating chokehold on the would be intruder, and send him packing before he got near either Superstar.
Lee Heir
A watcher of Professional Wrestling since 1989, in that time has filled up too much of his mind with knowledge of the subject.
Tries to see Wrestling from the viewpoint of all types of fan, once refereed an event during his teenage years and got a grazed chin from a Superkick to the face.
Follow his daily musings on Twitter - @lmheir
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