WWE: 10 Injuries With The Worst Timing Possible

2. Mr. Kennedy's Hematoma

At WrestleMania 23, Mr. Kennedy was "Mr. Money in the Bank" and had let the world know his intentions were to cash his contract in at WrestleMania 24 the next year. Just a week after announcing to the world his intention to cash his contract at WrestleMania 24, Kennedy lost the contract to Edge on Monday Night Raw. Reports soon came that Kennedy had torn his tricep and would be out for eight months, completely derailing all the momentum Kennedy had leading up to and following the Money in the Bank match and robbing him of an all but guaranteed championship reign. What's worse is that the injury was not nearly as worse as initially thought as just days after the original diagnosis came word that Kennedy was actually suffering from a hematoma (a collection of blood trapped in a tissue or organ) and would be out only six to eight weeks as opposed to the six to eight months. Unfortunately for Kennedy, Edge cashed his newly won Money in the Bank contract days later on Smackdown, winning the World Heavyweight Championship from The Undertaker. Kennedy would receive minor pushes after that, but nothing like the momentum he was riding in the spring of 2007 after WrestleMania. Two years later, almost to the day, he was released from the company and many look at this injury as being the beginning of the end for Mr. Kennedy in WWE.

JV Vernola has been a wrestling fan since he was three (around the same time Hogan was bodyslamming Andre) and has been able to write almost as long. He lives in the scorched earth that is the Arizona desert while trying to maintain awesomeness.