WWE: 10 Legitimate Backstage Fights

4. Jericho vs Goldberg

chris-jericho Jericho to this day loves to recount how he beat Bill Goldberg in a legitimate fight. Y2J and the former WCW Champion had never got along dating back to the Nitro days, and when Bill came into WWE and declared "Jericho can't sell", the Canadian was none too pleased. Chris pulled Goldberg aside backstage and demanded answers - leading to an explosion of temper from Goldberg. The big man lunged at Y2J, leading to Jericho instantly slapping on a front face lock and body scissors. Upon releasing this, Goldberg came again, only for Jericho to land a take down. The two got a griefing from Vince McMahon and would go on to work with each other on TV without any real problem. One source has suggested that Jericho was being egged on into fighting Goldberg, and the "Jericho can't sell" comments had been over hyped. Who could have that been wanting to see Jericho and Goldberg go at it? Triple H is my guess. He wasn't that keen on either man in 2003. Another good call would be Shawn Michaels, who enjoyed the occasional stirring.
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