WWE: 10 Life Lessons From Chris Jericho Every Man Must Follow

4. "Junior!" - Be A Leader

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XogX8zcZMCY When Jericho is delivering his verbal genius on screen he often starts or finishes his remarks by addressing his opponent as "Junior!" It has became a real trademark of Jericho's microphone work and it asserts him as the dominant talker in the ring. The truth is, when it comes to his peers, they really are Jericho's junior. Very few people can match him as an all round talent and when he is at his best he's unmatchable. There have been so many great Jericho promos it's hard to keep count. When he calls someone Junior it asserts his position as a leader. It's something that everyone should aspire to be in life, showing their peers the way forward. Leadership is Jericho all over. He often calls his own matches in the ring, telling his opponent where they should be going and what they should be doing. He is also noted as a leader backstage in WWE, at this stage he is a veteran of the locker room and is cited by Daniel Bryan as one of the men who offers helpful guidance. The most recent example of this is when Jericho put Fandango over at Wrestlemania 29, giving the newbie a lesson in ring work and microphone skills.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.