WWE: 10 Mansions Where Wrestling's Biggest Superstars Live

7. Kofi Kingston

This more modest (but still sizeable) wrestler house belongs to Kofi Kingston. He purchased the property for $400,000 in 2009, choosing the popular area of Tampa, Florida to base himself. We decided to include Kingston on this list to illustrate the kind of house the average WWE wrestler enjoys. It's a great pad, with a pool at the back and room for two cars in the garage. Kingston is out in the suburbs but let's have no doubt about it, most of us would find a house like his an absolute dream to live in. Kingston remains a reliable WWE mid carder but is unlikely to ever make it to the big money of the WWE title. Nevertheless, he probably puts away around $400k a year in earnings - as a 7 year WWE veteran the guy is very likely to have a couple of million tucked away by the time he retires sometime in the next decade.
WWE Writer

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