WWE: 10 Most Memorable Moments In Royal Rumble History

8. Vince McMahon Tears His Quad As He Enters The Ring (2005)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_4eGC2VkBc The end of the Royal Rumble 2005 was memorable for a number of reasons, most prominently because of a horrendous botch that very nearly ruined the whole match. Batista and John Cena were the final two in the Rumble, and Batista took Cena up for a Batista Bomb, which Cena countered with a headscissors, causing both men to tumble over the top rope, resulting in controversy as referees argued over who won, and chairman Vince McMahon angrily made his way to the ring. You see, this wasn't part of the plan, as Batista was scripted to win the Rumble (and would later do so when the match was restarted), but his falling out of the ring was a botch, yet the WWE were lucky enough that it didn't obviously appear as though Cena had accidentally "won" the Rumble. Anyway, Vince goes to enter the ring, and in the fury of the moment, slams his leg into the side of the ring, causing him to tear his quad muscles, meaning he has to conduct proceedings from the discomfort of the ring mat. Not the most dignified moment for anyone involved, but impossible to forget.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.