WWE: 10 Memorable Times Superstars Pulled Double Duty At PPVs

4. Roddy Piper - Royal Rumble 1992

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd9N9z_AwU0 Back in 1992, one thing was becoming horribly apparent: Roddy Piper just couldn't win a title to save his life. In spite of his lengthy career and immense popularity, the Hot Rod was never afforded a belt for some reason. At the Royal Rumble, this all turned around as Piper took care of the Mountie to win the Intercontinental Title to incredible fanfare. Piper wasn't done on that night. As the eventual winner of the Rumble, Ric Flair, stood alone in the ring, the crowd went nuts at the sight of Piper coming down the aisle. For most fans back in the day, there was this buzz going around the arena. Could Piper win both titles in one night? Piper would eventually be eliminated, but not before 34 minutes of courageous action from the newly-crowned Intercontinental Champion.
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I'm Andrew Hypes, and I'm aspiring to take over the world with my writing. I'm a senior at Capital University studying Journalism and Creative Writing. For the most part, I'll be writing about the WWE, but I'll try to get myself acclimated to other sections as well. For now, though, enjoy my musings on the insane world of Professional Wrestling.