WWE: 10 Moments When Triple H's Ego Has Damaged Other Wrestlers

9. Scott Steiner

Sure, Scott Steiner getting destroyed by HHH within a few months or re-signing with the WWE has a stronger whiff of Vince McMahon than Hunter himself, but I'm sure HHH had no arguments with the decision to batter Scott Steiner senseless over the course of two PPVs. Yes, Triple H had help from both weapons and Evolution but where could Scott Steiner go after coming worse off in his first two PPVs back? There is only one reasonable answer to that question, shove him in a tag team with Stephanie McMahon's ex-boyfriend Test, we don't like him much either. Steiner's second spell in WWE was then on the road to nowhere and fizzled out undesirably. I will never understand Vince McMahon's thoughts behind signing up half of the WCW roster, merely for them all to get squashed by the almighty WWE Gods. What was he trying to prove, he had already won the war. He was just needlessly burying potential talent that he was paying millions of dollars for, but that is another argument for another article.
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A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.