Every wrestler in the world thinks they're 'THE GUY" but there's only so many spots at the top. Most of the guys on this list are not only underrated and under appreciated but they are/were under utilized as well. All of these guys held a title at one time or another but did they ever hold THE title? No. Not one man on this list ever became the WWE or WCW World Heavyweight Champion and that's a damn shame. All of the wrestlers on this list display one or more of the main characteristics that make up an elite superstar. Whether it be power, charisma, ring presence or just being a great worker, all of these guys had/have it and then some. Limiting this list to just 10 was an impossible feat but these are the guys I feel deserve it the most. Without further ado, I give you the 10 most under rated, under appreciated superstars of all time.
As always, some honorable mentions.. The loose cannon Brian Pillman was a ball full of energy to say the least. Pillman started his career working in Canada for Stu Hart and the Stampede territory. He soon found himself teaming with Steve Austin and forming The Hollywood Blondes in WCW. Austin attributes his early on success to Pillman and the things he taught him. Pillman went on to win the tag team titles on a few separate occasions in WCW/NWA but that's as far as he was able to get. Upon his arrival to the WWE in 1996, he had a memorable feud with Austin, before joining The Hart Foundation. Pillman never did get the praise he deserved nor did he ever achieve individual success and become a champion on his own. R.I.P. Brian. Mike Awesome was a 6'6" nearly 300 pound beast of a man. Not only was he intimidating to look at but he was a good worker in the ring. In 1999 he shocked us all by defeating Taz to become the new ECW World Champion. He also won tag team gold with Raven not long after. Mike Awesome was a star in ECW. Awesome debuted in WWE in 2001 after Vince purchased ECW as part of 'The Invasion' angle. In fact, Awesome was the first member of the invasion team to win gold by defeating Rhino to become the Hardcore Champion. Awesome was under utilized and under appreciated in the WWE but he shouldn't have been. He was a great worker and a champion. He will be missed. Bam Bam Bigelow was easily one of the best working big men in wrestling history. He was beloved by his peers as a great worker and for being over 350 pounds, that's a feat in itself. Being one of the first ever big men to do a moonsault off the top rope, it was a sight to see. He never captured ANY gold in the WWE but he was once the ECW World Heavyweight Champion. Bigelow is and forever will be very under appreciated. One of the most athletic guys the WWE has ever seen, Benjamin was/is a better version of Kofi Kingston. Unfortunately, his lack of charisma led to the Gold Standard leaving the WWE in 2010. The former 3 time Intercontinental Champion and 1 time United States Champion can now be seen on the indy circuit in Ring of Honor. Benjamin is a phenomenal athlete who deserves to be seen on a bigger stage. Unfortunately I fear at the age of 38 his best days are behind him and I don't see the WWE knocking on his door anytime soon. Another wrestler who falls into the Shelton Benjamin category is John Morrison. So so talented. What a waste. MAYBE Owen Hart too. That's a toss up at best though. Ok, now on to the top 10...