WWE: 10 Normal Moves That Used To Be Deadly Finishers

2. The Leg Drop

I don't think I need to say which wrestler this move is best associated with, but just in case someone has crawled out from under a rock for the first time, Hulk Hogan was the man who epitomized having a leg drop as a deadly finishing move. He called it the atomic leg drop, and boy did it ever leave an impact on his opponents. When Hulkamania was at its highest, nobody, absolutely nobody, every kicked out of the leg drop. It didn't matter how big, how tall, or how strong the wrestler was. When the leg fell across a wrestler's neck and chest, that was the three count. And you better believe that nobody in WWE at the time would dare perform the leg drop. On paper, it doesn't sound like a very effective move. A guy runs the ropes, jumps, and literally drops his leg down on his opponent. Does it hurt? Sure. But would that bring a definitive end to guys like Andre the Giant and King Kong Bundy in "real life?" Probably not. Yet time and time again the fans would cheer as Hogan dropped the leg and earned the victory. Over time, Hogan's leg drop start to get less and less effective. More wrestlers were able to avoid, and even kick out of the move (Warrior naturally.) Now Hogan can't drop a leg without risking damage to his body, and many wrestlers have hit the leg drop time and time again. At the end of the day, it's not that great a move, but The Hulkster managed to make it magical.

1. The DDT

"DDT! DDT! DDT!" It was a chant that would ignite the entire arena at one point. Everyone wanted to see the DDT in action, and there was only one man who could bring it to them: Jake "The Snake" Roberts. Jake Roberts, who invented the DDT by accident when he botched a front facelock and fell on the mat along with his opponent. From that moment on, Roberts christened his move the DDT and would use it to finish off many of his enemies time and time again. The size of the opponent didn't matter, and Robert's fast reflexes allowed him catch a dazed opponent and drop him like a bad habit. The move was so deadly that many wrestlers reacted to the move in fear. Once they felt Jake's arm wrapped around their neck, the wrestlers would slip their head out and literally leave the ring in fright. The finisher was perfect for Roberts, who loved to play mind games with his opponents before beating them. Fast forward to modern times, and you can find dozens of variations of the DDT maneuver. Every wrestler, and even a majority of wrestling fans, have dropped the DDT on someone, or something (that stuffed teddy bear had it coming.) Yet no amount of DDTs that connect in the ring will ever be able to match the amazing pops that Roberts would get every single night when he dropped the original DDT. Can you think of any other normal moves that used to be considered deadly finishers? Bring them up in the comment section below.
In this post: 
Hulk Hogan
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My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.