9. Andy Leavine
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=r_yKAJa6AUw#t=189s Big Andy won Tough Enough 5 and was welcomed to the WWE with a slap from Vince McMahon and a Stunner from Stone Cold. The problem with Andy isn't how he sold the Stunner itself, but afterwards. He flopped like a fish for a bit and then rolled out of the ring like somebody thumped him in the ear. When Stone Cold hits a Stunner on you, you're dead. Like a knockout punch. Not a surprise that Andy was released before he ever made a return to the WWE ring.
Jarrod Atkinson
Jarrod Atkinson has spent his entire life watching too much TV and reading too many comic books. He lives in Norman, Oklahoma and can be heard yelling at the TV during MMA and wrestling PPVs.
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