WWE: 10 Most Powerful People Right Now (In Order Of Importance)

1. Vince McMahon, Chairman And CEO

vince mcmahon When it comes to power, Vince McMahon is the personification of the term. A billionaire once again, he can do pretty much whatever he likes. He still works extremely hard despite not needing the money anymore, and rises every day at 5am. Vince is a corporate powerhouse, and deals in business at the very highest levels. His direction, production, marketing and foresight are truly world class. He has achieved his dream of becoming a true entertainment mogul. At the core, Vince is the same confident gambler he started out as. The young Vince was a guy with some money and a handful of ideas. He revolutionized the industry by showing no respect for what he saw as lazy old timer methods of business. Vince bought up and combined wrestling territories to make one super force. He then used the stage he built to slowly accumulate even more power, resulting in him personally owning the entire wrestling industry by 2001. Through great creativity and financial gambles, Vince was able to take his entertainment product to levels of business he could never have dreamed of. He will forever be remembered as the most important person in the history of pro wrestling. Everyone else is just following in his foot steps and learning his lessons. As the guy who started it all and still leads it, Vince McMahon is way ahead as the most powerful person in the WWE.
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