WWE: 10 Questions You Most Want Answered (April 19)

1. Entrance Songs Today And From The Past

From @DizTrain: What are your current favorite entrance songs? What are your top 5 all time?
This is a subject I really like because I think entrance music for a wrestler is very important. Fans react as soon as they hear a song start to play, so it's important to get them on your side right from the beginning. WWE's music guru Jim Johnston has done a phenomenal job of crafting the right music for many of WWE's stars over the years. My current favorite song in WWE belongs to Bray Wyatt. Seeing it live at WrestleMania 30 made me enjoy it even more. Mark Henry's song is still one of my favorites too. Drew McIntyre's "Broken Dreams" song was also perfect for his character. It's a shame that we don't get to hear it anymore since he's a part of 3MB. The best songs of all time? Here's a quick top five for now. Maybe one day I'll do a longer feature about it too. 1. Edge - "On this day I see clearly€" is a great song for a character that fit it perfectly. It was a rock song full of energy. I miss hearing it. 2. Ted Dibiase - Once the "everybody has a price" song hit I loved it. It definitely had that late 1980s cheesy type of feel to it, but I really thought it fit his character perfectly. 3. Steve Austin - There were a few versions, but the main Stone Cold song with the glass breaking was the one I always think about with him. 4. Mark Henry - "Somebody gonna get they ass kicked" is badass. Love that track. 5. DeGeneration X - "Break it down" is another song that fit the group perfectly. They did it to get a rise out of people. It worked. That's all for the Q&A for this week. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport and @WhatCultureWWE as well for links to all the features on the site.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.