WWE: 10 Questions You Most Want Answered (June 14)

2. AJ Lee's Presence Helping Paige

From @lastmanoftruth: Does WWE need AJ Lee to come back to make Paige successful?
Yes. Absolutely. They really need AJ Lee to come back to work a feud with Paige that lasts two or three PPVs because it's not like they have much else in the divas division. How many more times can Paige beat Alicia Fox? She's the only heel they seem to want to push these days. There are no other divas on the main roster that come off as heel challengers unless they want to turn Natalya, which doesn't seem likely. They're just waiting for AJ to come back at this point. Long term I think AJ has more value as a face. She's done all she can as a heel. If you look at her wrestling style and small stature she has the makings of a babyface for the rest of her career. When she comes back, though, keep her a heel to match her up with Paige and then they can turn AJ babyface in the new year. As an aside, congrats to AJ Lee on her marriage to CM Punk. As fan of his, I hope she can convince him to come back to WWE although if he doesn't then that's fine too. It's nice that they have found happiness all because of a crazy wrestling angle where she was booked to kiss a lot of guys. They should have written a thank you note to the creative team.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.