WWE: 10 Random Wrestling Images That Demand An Explanation

3. Japanese Wrestler Executes The Crotch Sweat Piledriver

What is it: I refuse to even recap what is going on in this image for the simple fact that I would have nightmares for weeks. Let's just say that a pelvic thrust is involved and the victim's head ends up nestled against his opponents "cash and prizes". Let's just please move on.... Possible Explanation: You know, I love my fellow Japanese wrestling fans. They have given support to such future legends as Chris Benoit, Jushin Liger, Eddie Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, and Stan Hansen. They love workrate almost as much as I do and react to high spots in their own unique fashion. But, I refuse to forgive them for this image. The only explanation I can come up with is that the Japanese have a very bizarre sense of humor. Apparently, the thought of a grown man having to wash crotch sweat out of his hair makes the Japanese crack up. Either that or the guy delivering the piledriver has to have a long, serious talk with his friends.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.